Ethical compliance

The ROXANNE project takes compliance with ethical, legal, and societal standards very seriously. Partners have engaged in extensive analysis of relevant issues and have incorporated many recommendations into the project and into the technologies that the project is researching. This is an ongoing process that will continue until the project ends, with recommendations to be made for any continuing research after the project.

Below you can find documents arising from our ethical, legal, and societal analysis in WP3. These are edited versions of more detailed analysis that can be found in our deliverables. We would like to validate our analysis with experts and interested parties. If these topics are of interest to you, we have survey questions for each area of analysis that you can contribute to. The surveys will be open to answer until 17th June 2022. After that date, you can still provide feedback via the ‘Contact Us’ page.


Ethics Aspects

Document: roxanne-ethical-aspects-for-dissemination.pdf


Societal Values Aspects

Document: roxanne-societal-values-aspects-for-dissemination.pdf


Fundamental Rights Aspects

Document: roxanne-fundamental-rights-aspects-for-dissemination.pdf


Privacy and Data Compliance Checklist

Document: checklist-of-selected-privacy-and-data-protection-provisions.pdf


Decision-Support Tool Analysis

Document: roxanne-decision-support-tool-for-dissemination.pdf